Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rest in Peace, Howard King

One week ago, my grandfather passed away while travelling with his wife in Beijing, China. There's an expression in Chinese that means "the leaves always fall to the roots." In many ways, he came to rest that much closer to his original roots. Roots: this is the main reason why I'm here in China right now, desperately trying to  unravel my past, learn the language(s), and learn about my true Chinese culture.

Unfortunately, my Chinese is still nowhere near good enough to be able to act as a translator, especially concerning health and international embassy matters. This added to my grief as I felt exceptionally helpless knowing that we were in the same country, but still very far apart. However, my personal quest to find the missing pieces of our family history while still continue, with newer and stronger motivation.

Rest in Peace, Gong Gong. Your life, your actions, your history, and your legacy will never be forgotten.

Byron Yee
TEFL English Teacher - Shenzhen, China

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