In Mid November, Senegal announced an outbreak of Dengue Fever. Unfortunately, I was one of several victims...
Symptoms: Headaches, rash, vomiting, extreme fatigue, dehydration, and of course, fevers. Dengue fever is truly unpleasant, but there are worse things that can happen. Wikipedia has proven to be a great friend of mine in this country:
The good news: I'm now immune to 1 of the 4 strands of this fever. And after a week, I literally sweated out the virus. Still enduring some intense fatigue though.
Please don't pray for me. Pray for the thousands of others who are suffereing through this without the aid of Tylenol, good doctors, and a great American healthcare coverage...
As always, "don't worry Mom. I'm okay!"
Byron Yee
Peace Corps Volunteer - Senegal, 2009
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