Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vacation Part III - Back home and back to work

Like all vacations, they have a bittersweet ending.

What makes this especially difficult is saying goodbye to a very, very close friend. Nina proved to be a fantastic travel buddy and a wonderful companion. Thanks so much for linking up with me, I had a great time.

Well now, I'm back "home." Senegal welcomed me back with heat, humidity, a little harassment, and day old rain water floods. But I can now take all this in stride as I am full of good food, love, and peace. So, thanks to all for this wonderful opportunity and experience.

Paris, je t'aime.
Italia, grazie mille.
Senegal, bring it on. (Sorry, that doesn't really translate in Wolof...)

As always, pictures will eventually be up once I have time and working technology. Ciao!

Byron Yee
Peace Corps Volunteer - Senegal, 2009

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