Saturday, October 17, 2009

Counterpart Workshop

Each Volunteer works with two host country nationals at their specific site:

1. Supervisor: This is a government or adminstrative official each PCV must report to on a regular basis; the boss.

2. Counterpart: This is someone who is highly integrated in the community. They help introduce the PCV to important people/places, and help them find and organize projects.

Over the course of about 3 days, all of our counterparts and supervisors came to visit us for a workshop in Thies. We introduced them to Peace Corps mission and philosophy, and sat down to create an action plan for the first 3 months at site.

Both of my reps are highly intelligent, passionate, energetic, and can both speak at least 4-5 languages. They are both extremely excited to have me start working and living in my site, as am I.

Here's to the future of great working relationships.

Byron Yee
Peace Corps Trainee - Senegal, 2009

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