Saturday, October 17, 2009

Peace Corps Newest Official Volunteer!

Swear In Ceremony: 16 Octobre
On the 16th, we all headed to Dakar for the day. The ceremony took place in the US Ambassadors house (mansion). I was selected to give a small speech in Wolof, the audience loved it. I had it filmed, but there are currently some technical difficulties getting it online. But as Senegal has taught me, patience is virtue.

Installation: 21 Octobre
Now I'm off to my site for 2 years! I spend a couple days in Kaolack purchasing items such as furniture, supplies, things I'll be living off of for a long time. Like mentioned, I will NOT have internet there; not sure how often I'll be online to update my blog, pictures, email, etc. However, setting up a Boite Postale is near the top of my long list of things to do. Snail mail is fun! I promise...

Final Thoughts:
I'm literally packing up my life in a few suitcases and starting a brand new life for two years. It's impossible to truly wrap your head around that concept. I'm nervous, a bit scared, but excited and motivated to begin my new life. The USA will always be my home (I love America more and more everyday), but Senegal is becoming my new home as well.

At our party, my dear sister, Diek Mbaye, said a few words about me that touched my soul. "Gora [Byron] hs been like a son to us in Tivauoane. He is fun, happy, motivated, and we never had one single problem with him. I told him that if you ever have any problems in Karang, he can call his coordinator and come back to Tivauoane for his service. Gora is wonderful. He is more loving, dedicated, and committed to this family than some of my own children."

Thank you, Diek, for making my transition into my new life such a fun and wonderful process. Thanks to all at home who have been staying in contact with me; you guys keep me fueled. Now its time to finish packing my backs, and using the last few moments of internet I can get.

Please keep me in your prayers as I'm keeping you in mine. Ba beneen yoon (see you next time)! Jamm rekk (Peace only).
*PS. Notice my signature line now says "Volunteer"

Byron Yee
Peace Corps Volunteer - Senegal, 2009

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