Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This country doesn't really celebrate All Hallows Eve, so things were rather uneventful here. But nonetheless, everyday is always an interesting adventure.

Over the weekend, my US buddies and I went to a childrens' theme park called Happy Valley to visit their Haunted House. Unfortunately, it wasn't so haunted - nor was it much of a house. It was more of a darkly lit long walk around Chinese zombies (yes, the employees were pretty much bored, living dead) and styrofoam graveyards. We then went to a bar where they played crappy karaoke after their one Lady Gaga CD played all the way through. Despite (or maybe in spite) of the sad attempts, we all had a rather fun and strange time.

Yesterday - actually Halloween, I brought candy for students. They had to visit me and sing an English song I taught them: "Trick or treat, smell my feet..." Needless to say, I spent the entire day handing out candy while students threatened in both Chinese and English to "pull down my underwear."

If you're confused by the reference, ask an elementary school kid to sing you the above song. Then all will click into place.

Byron Yee
TEFL English Teacher - Shenzhen, China

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